
VIA Announces First Embedded ARM Based Pico-ITX Board, VIA VAB-800 VIA announced the VIA VAB-800 Pico-ITX embedded ARM board. Featuring a choice of an 800MHz or a 1GHz Freescale ARM Cortex-A8 processor, the VIA VAB-800 combines a wide operating temperature range with extremely low power consumption to meet the demands of high-end industrial and in-vehicle fanless embedded applications.

VIA makes its first ARM-based Pico-ITX board, adds dual graphics for your in-car pleasure engadget.com | Jon Fingas | Jul 25 2012 VIA has only ever really had a dalliance with ARM; the VAB-800 might be a sign that it's willing to go steady for awhile. As the company's first Pico-ITX board with an ARM chip, the 800 stuffs up to a 1GHz, Freescale-made ARM Cortex-A8 and 1GB of RAM into a tiny, 3.9 x 2.8-inch board. Somehow, it still fits up to four USB 2.0 ports, mini HDMI, VGA and as much as 64GB of storage.

VIA ARM Digital Signage System: A New Small Android-based PC The Droid Guy | Glenn | June 28, 2012 It is powered by an ARM CPU as its name implies. Specifically, it is equipped with an industry standard Cortex A9 processor and sports 64 GB of internal storage alongside 2 GB of DDR2 RAM. Likewise, it has 4 USB 2.0 ports and an HDMI port for connecting the device to peripherals or a larger display like a monitor or an HD television.