


[VIA]Mobile360 In-Vehicle Surround View Fleet Management System


[VIA]Mobile360 In-Vehicle Surround View Fleet Management System

Mobile360 In-Vehicle Surround View Fleet Management System The VIA Mobile360 In-Vehicle Surround View Fleet Management System is a turnkey solution that accelerates the time-to-market for 360° real-time video monitoring and recording systems for commercial transportation applications. Key features include: 360° real-time display VIA Multi-Stitch technology Local recording and storage Up to 8 PoE or 8 CSI camera support Ruggedized design with extended temperature Flexible voltage input The system delivers real-time in-vehicle rec The system enhances vehicle safety by increasing driver visibility when turning corners, parking in tight spaces, or reversing, and virtually eliminating the blind spots that are commonly found using conventional 2D video monitoring technologies. With its NVR capabilities, the system can also be used to capture and store footage of accidents and security breaches that may also occur to the vehicle. Combining a ruggedized design featuring advanced video processing capabilities and support for multiple camera inputs with a flexible video software development platform, the system can be customized to meet the requirements for multiple in-vehicle real-time 360° video monitoring and recording applications and environments. VIA Multi-Stitch Technology VIA Multi-Stitch technology supports advanced graphics and video processing features, including Source Calibration, Culling, De-fisheye, Perspective Transform, Orientation, Repositioning, and Side View Geometric calibration, in order to ensure the highest-quality real-time 360° video streams. VIA Mobile360 Surround View System With its ruggedized chassis, extended temperature support, and flexible voltage input, the VIA Mobile 360 Surround View system has been specifically designed to withstand the rigors of the road. Combining support for up to eight PoE or eight CSI cameras with advanced video processing capabilities, including video encoding for remote viewing, the system has all the performance and scalability required for recording and delivering stunning real-time 360° spherical images fr|om even the most demanding environments.   System Hardware I/O Connectivity 2 USB 3.0 Ports 4 USB 2.0 Ports 1 CANBus 1 Gigabit Ethernet Port 1 Lockable HDMI Port (4K) 1 DisplayPort Port Wireless Connectivity Wi-Fi Support (With Access Point -AP) 4G & GPS Support Bluetooth Support Camera Options Support for up to 8 CSI Cameras Support for up to 8 PoE Power Options 10 ~ 30V DC-in Intelligent Power Ignition Power Backup (2+ hours) Storage Option 2 Hot Swappable 2.5" HDDs RAID Support Extended Connectivity USB-GPIO (Panic Button) For high resolution images of the VIA Mobile360 Surround View Fleet Management System please visit our VIA Gallery.  


[VIA]VIA Mobile360 Surround View System @ the 2016 Mid-America Trucking Show


[VIA]VIA Mobile360 Surround View System @ the 2016 Mid-America Trucking Show

VIA Mobile360 Surround View System @ the 2016 Mid-America Trucking Show Posted on March 29, 2016May 18, 2016 by Helena Szendzielorz Delivers real-time 360° monitoring and recording capabilities on the road Taipei, Taiwan, 29 March, 2016 – VIA Technologies, Inc, today announced that it will demonstrate the new cutting-edge in-vehicle VIA Mobile360 Surround View System during the 2016 Mid-America Trucking Show being held fr|om March 31st to April 2nd in Booth 60113  of the Kentucky Expo Center, in Louisville Kentucky. Specifically designed f “The VIA Mobile360 Surround View System is one of the latest additions to our Smart Transportation Solutions Portfolio,” said Richard Brown, VP International Marketing, VIA Technologies, Inc. “By creating a 360° view of a vehicle, the system dramatically increases safety by eliminating driver blind spots while turning corners, changing lanes, reversing, or parking in tight spaces.” In addition to the VIA Mobile360 Surround View System, VIA will also be showcasing other popular Smart Transportation solutions such as the VIA AMOS-825 and VIA AMOS-3005 ultra-compact systems within our booth during the show. For more information about the VIA Mobile360 Surround View System, please visit: For images related to this release, please visit: mobile360-in-vehicle-surround-view-fleet-management-system


[VIA]Customization and Co-Creation


[VIA]Customization and Co-Creation

Customization and Co-Creation Posted on


[Innodisk]Innodisk Launches New Generation M.2 LAN Card


[Innodisk]Innodisk Launches New Generation M.2 LAN Card

Innodisk Launches New Generation M.2 LAN Card The EGPL series with PCIe interface expands dual Gigabit Ethernet for increased flexibility.   May 10, 2016 – Taipei, Taiwan - Innodisk, the service-driven provider of flash, memory and peripheral module for industrial and embedded systems, launches a new generation M.2 LAN card. M.2 (known as the NGFF - Next Generation Form Factor) is a new generation of specifications for embedded extensions designed to support PCIe and USB 3.0 interface. High-speed bandwidth comes as a standard specification of mini-STX and NUC. It may be used on type 2280, 2260 and other various modules. Innodisk announced the world’s first M.2 LAN card EGUL series at the end of last year and was awarded Electronic Design’s “Product of the Week.” We launched its extension line EGPL series to support PCIe, type 2280 and additional operating platforms such as Linux, FreeBSD, Android and VxWorks.      Dual Gigabit LAN for Various Applications                                                                     The demand for bandwidth and connectivity capabilities is increasing significantly as the Internet of Things (IoT) and the demand for networking devices across the world grows. The M.2 LAN card provides dual Gigabit Ethernet to expand bandwidth and supports the following three functions: link aggregation, which combines two Ethernet links to improve speed; failover, which switches to a redundant network when the failure of one network occurs providing a backup mode; and load balancing, which optimizes resource use and avoiding the overload of any single resource and ensuring quality of work.   M.2 LAN Card Product Information Innodisk’s M.2 LAN card complies with both 2000V surge protection and 2000V HiPOT protection, offering high voltage isolation protection in order to prevent electrical damage to the system. Additionally, it features ESD (±8/15KV) to ensure the system’s dependability within unstable environments.  There are two series of M.2 LAN cards with 1 Available now is the Innodisk M.2 LAN card EGPL/EGUL series. For additional information, please contact your local Innodisk sales representatives or distributors, or visit us at  


[Innodisk]Innodisk Announces DDR4 Mini DIMM Series DRAM Aimed at Communications Applications


[Innodisk]Innodisk Announces DDR4 Mini DIMM Series DRAM Aimed at Communications Applications

Innodisk Announces DDR4 Mini DIMM Series DRAM Aimed at Communications Applications May 5, 2016 – Taipei, Taiwan - Innodisk, the service-driven flash and DRAM module provider, introduces a brand new DDR4 Mini DIMM DRAM that is fully compliant with ATCA (Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture). Featuring a 228 pin (a mere 0.72” in height) and a capacity of up to 16GB, it is simply the best choice for small, high-speed, large-capacity storage devices.   Top-grade specifications for higher performance Innodisk uses original ICs in DDR4 Mini DIMM and has upgraded the transfer speed up to 2400MHz. Its ECC modules are designed to detect and correct single-bit errors that may occur during data storage and transmission. In addition, the DDR4 Mini DIMM series’ built-in thermal sensor provides temperature monitoring and system reliability. Innodisk also utilizes value-added conformal coating on the module that protects against moisture, contaminants, dust and acid materials, thus ensuring high-performance operation in harsh environments.   Ultra-low profile height to improve airflow and thermal performance Using Mini DIMM can save up to 1/3 more of the system’s space compared to using SODIMM. Innodisk’s DDR4 Mini DIMM’s specifications include a length of 8.2 cm and an ultra-low profile height 1.8 cm, making it suitable for the most space-constrained 1U blade servers, networking devices, routers and telecommunications. Available now is the Innodisk DDR4 Mini DIMM module series. For additional information on this product and our DDR4 series, please contact your local Innodisk sales representatives or distributors or visit us at


[Transcend]트랜센드, 12,000시간 녹화 보장 블랙박스 전용 메모리카드 출시


[Transcend]트랜센드, 12,000시간 녹화 보장 블랙박스 전용 메모리카드 출시

트랜센드, 12,000시간 녹화 보장 블랙박스 전용 메모리카드 출시 저장장치 및 차량용 블랙박스의 글로벌 리더 트랜센드는 쓰기 작업을 반복하는 블랙박스, CCTV, IP 카메라 및 차량용 내비게이션 사용환경에서도 탁월한 내구성을 보장하는 microSDXC/SDHC Class10(MLC) 블랙박스/네비게이션 전용 메모리카드를 출시한다고 밝혔다. 본 제품은 블랙박스의 혹독한 사용환경에서도 높은 성능 및 내구성을 보장하도록 개발되었다. 이를 위해 강도 높은 테스트 및 설계과정을 거쳐 최대 12,000시간, 약 1년 6개월에 달하는 시간의 영상 녹화를 지원한다. 또한 트랜센드 블랙박스 전용 메모리카드는 까다로운 사용 환경 테스트를 거친 제품으로 사계절 온도 차가 뚜렷하거나 차량 내 외부 온도변화가 심한 환경에서뿐만 아니라 생활 습기, 충격 및 진동, 자기장으로부터 데이터를 안전하게 보호한다.Full HD 동영상 약 1년 6개월 녹화 보장1채널 블랙박스의 성공적인 런칭에 이어 트랜센드는 메모리카드 및 블랙박스 전문 제조사로서의 노하우를 기반으로 블랙박스 전용 메모리카드를 출시하였다. 본 제품은 최고급 MLC 플래시 칩과 내구성을 높이기 위한 고유 펌웨어를 적용한 제품으로 쓰기 작업을 반복하는 감시기기에 최적의 솔루션을 제공한다. 트랜센드의 블랙박스 전용 메모리카드는 Full HD 동영상 촬영의 경우 최대 12,000시간 연속 녹화가 가능해 오랜 시간, 보다 안전하게 영상을 담을 수 있다.글로벌 브랜드의 자존심, 까다로운 환경 테스트 완벽 통과365일 24시간 녹화를 반복하는 차량용 블랙박스에는 혹독한 사용 환경에서도 안전하게 작동하는 전용 메모리카드 사용이 필수다. 블랙박스 전용으로 출시된 본 제품은 뜨거운 열기 또는 혹한의 날씨뿐 아니라 습한 환경에서도 안전하게 데이터를 저장해주며 극강의 내구성 테스트를 통과하여 자기장, 충격 및 진동으로부터 데이터를 안전하게 보호해준다. 본 제품은 에러정정코드가 내장되어 있어 전송 중 에러를 감지, 정정해 데이터가 유실되거나 손상될 위험을 덜어준다. 한편, 트랜센드 블랙박스 전용 메모리카드는 Class10 속도 등급으로 21MB/s 의 안정적인 전송속도를 지원한다.RecoveRx 복구 소프트웨어 지원트랜센드 블랙박스 전용 메모리카드는 데이터 복구 전용 소프트웨어 RecoveRx가 함께 제공된다. 누구나 쉽게 활용할 수 있는 인터페이스의 본 소프트웨어를 통해 전문가의 도움 없이도 사진, 문서, 음악, 동영상 파일을 직접 복구해 볼 수 있다. 또한 RecoveRx 프로그램은 메모리카드 포맷, 데이터 보호기능을 지원해 소비자가 보다 편리하게 카드를 관리할 수 있다.보증 기간트랜센드의 블랙박스 전용 메모리카드는 16/32/64GB의 용량으로 제공된다. 한편, 블랙박스에 사용된 일반 메모리카드는 AS 가 제한적인 반면, 본 제품은 2년의 공식 보증기간이 적용된다.


[Transcend]트랜센드, 산업용, 임베디드 기기 전용 솔루션 SLC SSD 선봬


[Transcend]트랜센드, 산업용, 임베디드 기기 전용 솔루션 SLC SSD 선봬

  트랜센드, 산업용, 임베디드 기기 전용 솔루션 SLC SSD 선봬


[Transcned]트랜센드, 고비용 SLC 대안 SuperMLC 기술 개발


[Transcned]트랜센드, 고비용 SLC 대안 SuperMLC 기술 개발

트랜센드, 고비용 SLC 대안 SuperMLC 기술 개발


[Transcend]몸에 착용하는 트랜센드 보안용 바디캠 DrivePro10


[Transcend]몸에 착용하는 트랜센드 보안용 바디캠 DrivePro10

몸에 착용하는 트랜센드 보안용 바디캠 DrivePro10  


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깡통 박스를 소개합니다.

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[VIA]VIA Collaborates with IK4-IKERLAN on Fast Time to Market M2M Solutions


[VIA]VIA Collaborates with IK4-IKERLAN on Fast Time to Market M2M Solutions

Leveraging industry-leading capabilities of VIA VAB-820 Freescale SoC platform for innovative transportation and e-Health applications Taipei, Taiwan, 29 July, 2014 - VIA Technologies, Inc, a leading innovator of power efficient computing platforms, today announced it is collaborating with IK4-IKERLAN, a premier provider of R&D services for prototyping and project feasibility studies, on the development of M2M applications for the burgeoning European transportation and e-Health markets. VIA and IK4-IKERLAN are leveraging the industry-leading features and functionality of the VIA VAB-820 Pico-ITX board to offer a growing array of services aimed at enabling the rapid proliferation of M2M applications for the Internet of Things (IoT), including: Development of rich interactive user interfaces Driver customization for vertical touch screens Robust CANbus support Test suite for field validation of several hardware supported functions Linux image customization for wireless 3G/wireless connectivity   “We are excited to have IK4-IKERLAN as a development partner for the European market,” said Tiziano Albani, European Business Development Director, VIA Technologies, Inc. “The demand for M2M devices to power the IoT is increasing at lightning speed, and this collaboration will enable us to address growing customer needs in the transportation and e-Health segments.”   “ARM-based systems provide a number of significant advantages for application-specific solutions to power the IoT, but require focused development efforts to realize their full potential,” said Iraola Unai, Senior Researcher into Electronic Area. “Collaborating with VIA has proven invaluable in helping us speed up development and overall time-to-market for M2M applications based on the VIA VAB-820.” VIA VAB-820 Pico-ITX The VIA VAB-820 combines a 1GHz quad core Freescale iMX6Quad ARM Cortex-A9 processor in a rugged, power efficient platform supporting a wide operating temperature range fr|om -20 to 70 degrees Celsius in an ultra-low TDP envelope of only 7W and is backed with up to seven years longevity support. Including dual independent display support and three independent, fully integrated GPUs, the VAB-820 offers outstanding multimedia performance.     VIA AMOS-820 The VIA AMOS-820 industrial system is an ultra-compact marketing leading solution designed to take full advantage of the super power-efficient VIA VAB-820 Pico-ITX board, making it simple to create a broad spectrum of easy-to-assemble, fanless system designs f     About IK4-IKERLAN. IK4-Ikerlan is a leading centre for technology transfer and for enhancing business competitiveness through comprehensive solutions combining different technology domains. This is made possible by its high specialisation in six major areas: embedded systems, power electronics, microtechnologies, energy, mechatronics and product and service customization.


[VIA]VIA , 견고한 디자인의 안드로이드 태블릿 VIA Viega를 발표하다.


[VIA]VIA , 견고한 디자인의 안드로이드 태블릿 VIA Viega를 발표하다.

산업용,리테일 및 교통운수 등을 포함한 폭녋고 다양한 기업용 모바일 컴퓨팅 어플리케이션에 맞춤화된 솔루션 014년7월15일, 타이페이 타이완 - VIA테크놀러지는 10.1인치의 견고한 안드로이드 태블릿 VIA Viega를 발표했습니다. 본 제품은 전시실바닥, 창고, 건설현장과 기업용 모바일 컴퓨팅 환경 등혹독한 환경에서 견딜 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 내구성이 강하고 스타일리쉬한 디자인의 10.1인치 VIA Viega 안드로이드 태블릿은 IP65등급의 기업용 디바이스로서 물튕김, 비 또는 먼지가 있는 주변환경으로부터 안전하고, 2미터의 높이에서 떨어져도 끄떡없는 충격흡수 및 진동방지가 가능합니다. 또한 강화된 유리패널은 스크린이 쉽게 깨지는 것을 방지합니다. 수명이 긴 폴리머 베터리팩과 같이 옵션으로 고객화된 도킹스테이션은 확장 주변기기를 위한 폭넓은 연결기능과 신속한 충전기능을 제공합니다. VIA Viega는 장소이동중에도 운영이 끊이지 않고 지속됩니다.   NEON기술의 듀얼 코어ARM Cortex-A9 SoC가 장착된VIA Viega는 놀랄만한 HD제품 시연과 비디오 트레이닝을 위한 하드웨어 가속과 같은 훌륭한 멀티미디어 성능을 제공합니다.   최대한 고객화된 안드로이드4.2기반의 운영체계에 하드웨어로부터 데이터 암호화/복호화 등 강화된 보안기능과VIA SMART ETK를 통한 관리기능이 장착되어 폭넓은 프레임워크, 커널과 디바이스 관리 맞춤형서비스가 가능합니다.   “점점 더 많은 기업들이 생산성을 늘이고 고객서비스를 개선하기 위해 직원이 사용할 모바일 디바이스를 찾고 있습니다. 그들은 표준화된 기존제품보다 그들의 사용환경에 부응하는 고객 맞춤화된 솔루션이 좀 더 중요하다는 것을 인지하고 있습니다.” 라고VIA 테크놀러지의 VIA 임베디드 플랫폼 사업부 대표 Epan Wu가 인터뷰했습니다. “견고한 디자인과 개선된 보안기능, 그리고 고객맞춤화 서비스, VIA Viega는이러한 필요성을 만족시키고 기업용 요구사항을 위해 제품수명 보장을 제공합니다.”   VIA Viega 태블릿 핵심기능   1.2GHz 듀얼 코어 ARM Cortex-A9 SoC 와 NEON기술 1GB DDR3 DRAM Mali-400 DP GPU 16GB eMMC 플래쉬 10.1” LED 후면발광 LCD 스크린 옵션가능한 2M 전면, 5M 후면카메라와 오토포커스기능 마이크로 SIM 카드 슬롯 마이크로 SD 카드 슬롯 2개의 마이크로 USB 포트 (레귤러 기능x1 , DC12V-in/COM 포트 기능x1) 1개의 마이크로 HDMI-out 포트 와이파이, 3G, GPS, 블루투스 4.0 과 NFC 지원 1개의 이어폰잭과 스테레오 스피커 내부장착 수명이 긴 폴리머 베터리팩과 9시간 지속 사용가능 안드로이드 4.2 운영체제와 고객 맞춤형 서비스 가능 265.4mm(W) x 171.5mm(H) x 12.3mm(D) (10.4” x 6.8” x 0.5”) 690g (1.5lbs) 품수명3년   현재 제공가능 : 테스트용 샘플구매가능   VIA Viega 안드로이드 태블릿 상세정보:   제품사진:  


[VIA]VIA Announces VIA Video Wall Mini


[VIA]VIA Announces VIA Video Wall Mini

Provides the power to transform static spaces into engaging environments Taipei, Taiwan, 12 June, 2014 - VIA Technologies, Inc today announced the VIA Video Wall Mini, a fanless all-in-one solution capable of driving up to four displays using a single player. The VIA Video Wall Mini has been specifically designed to enable retailers, restaurateurs, coffee shop owners,   By combining a single fanless player that supports up to four displays at stunning resolutions of up to 1920 x 1080 with the powerful VIA MagicView™ content management platform, the VIA Video Wall Mini not only reduces the cost and complexity of multi-screen installations but also simplifies the broadcasting of a diverse array of high-definition multimedia programming throughout the space. The displays can be deployed in a variety of separate and stitched configurations, including 2 x 2, 1 x 4, and 4 x 1, to provide small business owners with additional flexibility to customize their installations to meet their specific needs.   “As the dem   VIA Video Wall Mini Player The VIA Video Wall Mini features a rugged ultra-reliable fanless player that has been designed to withstand the rigors of 24/7 operation in the most demanding digital signage installation environments.   Powered by a 1.0GHz VIA QuadCore E-Series processor and VIA VX11PH Media System Processor, the player delivers optimized performance for a full range of advanced multimedia applications and supports two videos running at resolutions of 1080p and four videos running at 720p.   The VIA Video Wall Mini player features four HDMI-out ports that support four displays at resolutions of up to 1920x1080 and can also be configured with optional HDMI and VGA input ports to enable the integration of cameras for security and surveillance applications. Additional I/O features include two USB 3.0 ports, one Gigabit Ethernet port, two audio jacks and one DC-in jack on the front panel, and two USB 2.0 ports, one COM port for RS-232/422/485, and one DIO port for 8-bit GPIO on the rear panel.   To ensure optimum integration flexibility into a wide range of networked signage environments, the player can also be equipped with a choice of optional USB and PCIe WiFi and 3.75G HSPA/UMT mobile broadband modules.   VIA MagicView™ Content Management Software The VIA Video Wall Mini features VIA MagicView™, a powerful and flexible content management platform for designing, distributing and displaying digital signage content. Providing advanced functions such as schedule management, client monitoring, reporting and secure network, VIA MagicView™ makes it easy to freely arrange content across the system’s screens to deliver the maximum impact in a diverse range of environments such as hospitality, retail, entertainment, restaurants, and a host of other public spaces.   For more information about the VIA Video Wall Mini, please visit:   For images of the VIA Video Wall Mini, please visit:     VIA Video Wall Mini at Infocomm VIA will display the VIA Video Wall Mini at Infocomm, held in the Las Vegas Convention Center fr|om June 18 – 20. The VIA booth is N211 in the North Hall.


[Innodisk]Innodisk to Speak on Latest Industrial and Enterprise Flash Technologies at Flash Memory S


[Innodisk]Innodisk to Speak on Latest Industrial and Enterprise Flash Technologies at Flash Memory S

Presentations and demos of ServerDOM in server systems and high IOPS flash implementation July 30 2014, Taipei, Taiwan – Innodisk, the service-driven flash provider, is pleased to announce its full participation at Flash Memory Summit(FMS) 2014 fr|om August 5–7 at Santa Clara Convention Center, in Santa Clara, CA. Along with event sponsorship, Innodisk will also be speaking on high IOPS flash implementation as well as presenting its latest industrial solutions and enterprise SSDs. Innodisk invites all current and future customers and business partners to visit Booth #724–726 to view its latest products and learn more about Innodisk’s service-based approach to flash storage solutions. High IOPS Flash Implementation  In addition to industrial flash technology, Innodisk will also present on high IOPS flash implementation in the enterprise sphere. Charles Tsai, Senior Director of Cloud Storage Technology Center, will present at Session 202-C on “High-Performance Flash Systems” to talk about the challenges Innodisk has faced and overcome while developing its FlexiArray high IOPS flash storage arrays. Through its expertise in flash and key technologies implemented through the I/O stack, Innodisk has been able to achieve high end flash performance and reliability without the price tag. Charles will explain the key concepts and architecture driving Innodisk FlexiRemap scalable high IOPS technology for flash arrays and SSDs.   Demonstrating the Future   At FMS ‘14, Innodisk will demonstrate next-generation systems leveraging key technologies to achieve enhanced reliability, performance and TCO. The new ServerDOM product will be demonstrated as a boot device. A new server side flash solution fr|om Innodisk, ServerDOM is a small form factor OS storage device which can relieves storage ports on a rackmount server while speeding up boot times and increasing system reliability.   Innodisk will also demonstrate its other enterprise flash solutions, including the Flexiarray SE110 rackmount flash appliance with Quad-Port 10GbE SFP+ or Infiniband connectivity. Running in dual-port mode, the SE110 will show how high performance flash can relieve storage bottlenecks in 3D animation.   Next-generation small form factor storage will also be on display. Innodisk’s new rugged M.2 SSDs will be shown featuring anti-vibration design and iCell – the proprietary data protection scheme which uses on-board capacitors to save data in the event of power loss. In addition, Innodisk’s renowned small and reliable SATADOM Pin 7 technology will be showcased running on the new Intel NUC platform.   Following FMS 2014, Innodisk’s next exhibition will be at Embedded System Conference 2014 in São Paulo, Brazil, fr|om August 26-27 at Booth #D39.       About Innodisk   Innodisk is a service driven provider of flash memory and DRAM products for the industrial and enterprise applications. With satisfied customers across the embedded, aerospace and defense, cloud storage markets and more, we have set ourselves apart with a commitment to dependable products and unparalleled service. This has resulted in products including embedded peripherals designed to supplement existing industrial solutions and high IOPS flash arrays for industrial and enterprise applications. The expanded business lines are leading our next step in being a comprehensive solution and service provider in industrial storage industry.   Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan with engineering support and sales teams in China, Europe, Japan, and the United States, Innodisk is able to support clients globally. With abundant experience and an unrivaled knowledge of the memory industry, Innodisk develops products with excellent quality, remarkable performance, great cost-efficiency, and the highest reliability. For more information about Innodisk, please visit  


[Innodisk]Innodisk iAnalyzer Tracks SSD Read/Write Behavior to Maximize System Service Life and Perf


[Innodisk]Innodisk iAnalyzer Tracks SSD Read/Write Behavior to Maximize System Service Life and Perf

New tool features detailed data recording and analysis for optimized flash solutions   July 17, 2014 - Taipei, Taiwan - Innodisk, the service-based flash provider, announces iAnalyzer - an easy to use storage analysis tool for customers using or considering SSD products. iAnalyzer records read/write behavior of a SSD in real-time, categorizing these operations as either sequential or random I/O, as well as segmenting by the size of the operation. iAnalyzer lets users base their st   Deep Data iAnalyzer presents a deep level of detailed information on your systems storage behavior, showing distribution of reads versus writes, whether they’re sequential or random access, and sorting by the size of the operation. Through easy-to-read pie charts and figures, users can instantly visualize their application’s key I/O behavior.   Flash Challenges iAnalyzer provides users with the data to help them choose the right flav   Tailored Solution iAnalyzer data doesn’t just help customers directly, but also means tailored SSDs are possible. With its in-house firmware team, Innodisk can optimize SSDs to specific iAnalyzer profiles, giving the best endurance, performance and service life for the price. iAnalyzer is a powerful feature for collecting, analyzing and displaying storage data in Innodisk’s iSMART utility. Through iAnalyzer, customers can easily capture their application’s I/O behavior. This real-time data collection provides deep insight into the user’s application, and aids them in optimizing the best storage solution for their system. Innodisk iAnalyzer is able to work on a wide variety of embedded systems, including industrial, medical, transportation, automation, and gaming industries. Innodisk iAnalyzer whitepaper, download file:  


[innodisk]Innodisk Announces Enterprise Storage Partnership with AIC


[innodisk]Innodisk Announces Enterprise Storage Partnership with AIC

AIC's New SB121-TO Storage Server is Compatible with High IOPS Innodisk SSDs May 29, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan – Innodisk, a service-driven flash provider is announcing partnership with AIC for its new line of enterprise storage servers. AIC’s SB121-TO storage server is compatible with Innodisk's 2.5” 3MG2-P SATA SSDs for ultimate storage performance. With 50,000 IOPS 4K Random read/write, the 3MG2-P SATA SSD is part of Innodisk's new line of High IOPS performance oriented SATA SSDs for the enterprise market and will be showcased with the SBC121-TO at AIC's COMPUTEX booth, #L0432 in Nangang Exhibition Hall fr|om June 3rd to June 7th, 2014.   Speaking on the cooperation, AIC said, "With the SB121-TO our goal is to provide a 1U server with SATA interface that can reach the highest throughput both internally and externally for handling hot data. We needed a storage solution that meets market demands for high IOPS performance. As a server provider, when choosing our storage options, random I/O performance and power consumption are essential, especially when it comes to processing large data sets.”   Innodisk's new IOPS series 3MG2-P SSDs features 50,000 IOPS 4K Random read/write and Sequential Read/Write speeds of 520/450 MB/s through a SATA III 6.0Gb/s interface. iData Guard protects contents in case of abnormal power failure while device sleep mode(DEVLSP) support allows extremely low power consumption. Innodisk's firmware expertise means customers get data integrity and reliability with enterprise class storage performance.   About AIC AIC is a leading provider of st    


[Innodisk]Innodisk Debuting All-Flash Storage Appliance at Computex 2014


[Innodisk]Innodisk Debuting All-Flash Storage Appliance at Computex 2014

Expanding Embedded Storage Lineup and Launching Enterprise Storage Line   May 28, 2014 - Taipei, Taiwan - Innodisk, a service-driven storage provider for industrial and enterprise, will be launching new embedded flash products with smaller form factors and higher speeds, as well as debuting its high IOPS FlexiArray™ all-flash storage appliance. As Innodisk grows and expands its branches around the world, these new products along with its existing industrial portfolio allow Innodisk to better serve system designers and be a total flash solution provider. Innodisk invites all its customers and business partners to visit its booth M0311a in the Computer & Systems area at Nangang Exhibition Hall. FlexiArray™ All-Flash Storage Appliance The all-new FlexiArray st Extremely Small Form Factors Innodisk is embracing the new M.2 (NGFF) f Peripheral Modules Innodisk will display its lineup of Embedded Peripherals, designed to relieve space limitations while enhancing embedded system functionality. An embedded system at the booth will have Innodisk’s embedded peripheral modules installed for signal conversion and storage expansion. The system will feature mini GbE LAN card, PCIe expansion card with 4 mPCIe connection and DDR III module with 1TB M.2 SSD. DRAM Coating Besides flash storage, Innodisk will display its industrial DRAM coatings which protect memory modules with specialized conformal coatings. Coated DRAM can be protected against moisture, dust, chemical contaminants and other environmental hazards. These coatings can be applied on Innodisks’ full line of embedded, server, wide-temperature range, and specialized DRAM modules. Customization Service Custom products will be displayed to showcase Innodisk’s customization capability. An in-house production facility and firmware/software development team means Innodisk is able to tailor products to unique needs of its customers. Unique form factors using custom PCBs, specialized soldering for enhanced reliability, are just some of the hardware capabilities made possible by an in-house plant. Custom firmware is also available allowing for features such as data security, secure-erase, customized LBA, and more. Aetina Industrial/Embedded Graphics Cards Innodisk’s subsidiary Aetina will also be on hand presenting its line of industrial graphics cards, powered by NVIDIA and AMD processors. Low power consumption, high performance, compact form factors (MXM module), superior service life, rugged components, and multi-monitor support are just some of the various features of Aetina cards that make them suitable for defense, transportation, medical imaging, and general industrial video applications. For more information visit:  


[Innodisk]Innodisk Adds New Offices Worldwide for Increased Production and Support Capacity


[Innodisk]Innodisk Adds New Offices Worldwide for Increased Production and Support Capacity

Additional Branch Offices in North America and China Enhance Local Support Capability  May 20, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan –Storage manufacturer Innodisk is expanding its production capacity and local support facilities with new offices worldwide. Innodisk’s main headquarters in Taipei are moving to a larger facility to house a larger development team and additional production line for its industrial SSDs, Embedded Peripheral Modules, and upcoming FlexiArray™ enterprise storage appliance. Additional offices are also being added in the US and China to increase local support capacity. Global Support Following the recent moves of Innodisk Japan and Innodisk Europe to larger offices, Innodisk USA and Innodisk China are now adding additional branch offices to provide better localized support for customers. Innodisk USA is expanding beyond its California base with a New Jersey branch office to offer local sales and service support to customers on the East Coast. Innodisk China’s main office in Shenzhen will be supplemented with a branch in Chengdu. A streamlined RMA process and local FAEs at the branch offices will provide better technical support and shorter turnaround times for customers in these regions. Expanded Production Innodisk headquarters in Taipei is moving to a new larger combined office and production facility. The new facility will feature an additional production line. Featuring nitrogen reflow SMT facilities, this 3rd line will increase production capacity by 50% with output increasing fr|om 400,000 to 600,000 units per month. Enhanced Service Along with new offices, Innodisk is also investing in testing and development equipment to better service its customers. State of the art debugging equipment allows Innodisk to simulate customer application environments better, allowing issues to be diagnosed up to 33% faster. Enhanced testing capability not only results in better RMA service but allows Innodisk to provide highly reliable customized solutions.    


[Transcend]트랜센드, M.2 폼팩터 N8S750과 mSATA SSD 340 출시


[Transcend]트랜센드, M.2 폼팩터 N8S750과 mSATA SSD 340 출시

산업용 저장매체의 글로벌 리더 트랜센드(지사장: 심동훈)는 SATA III 6Gb/s의 M.2 N8S750과 mSATA MSA340을 출시한다고 발표했다. 본 제품은 초소형 폼팩터와 차세대 SATA III 6Gb/s 인터페이스로 우수한 퍼포먼스를 구현하며 울트라 북, 스마트폰, 노트북, e-book등과 같은 휴대기기에 사용하기 적합하다.SATA III 6GB/s M.2 SSD N8S750N8S750 SSD의 M.2 폼팩터는 규격 80.0mm x 22.0mm x 3.5mm로 울트라 북, 노트북, 태블릿 PC, 스마트폰 등의 얇고 가벼운 모바일 기기에 사용하기 최적의 조건을 가지고 있으며 SATA III 6Gb/s 대역폭과 DDR3 캐시, MLC NAND 플래시 칩을 갖추고 있다. 최대 읽기 520MB/s, 쓰기 330MB/s의 뛰어난 전송 속도를 자랑하며 일상적인 컴퓨팅 작업뿐만 아니라 멀티미디어 응용 프로그램도 손쉽게 처리할 수 있다.SATA III 6Gb/s mSATA SSD MSA340트랜센드 MSA340 mSATA SSD는 2.5인치 SSD대비 4분의1 사이즈인 50.8mm x 29.85mm x 4.0mm 크기이다. 본 제품은 태블릿 PC, 스마트폰, 울트라북, e-book, 네비게이션 시스템, 셋톱 박스, 휴대용 스캐너, 소형 PC 및 슬림 서버등과 같은 공간 제약이 있는 임베디드 응용 장비 개발시 디자인 설계상의 이점을 누릴 수 있다. DDR3 DRAM 캐쉬, 강력한 컨트롤러 및 MLC NAND 플래시를 탑재한 MSA340은 차세대 SATA III 6Gb/s의 사양을 지원하며 최대 전송속도 읽기 520MB/s, 쓰기 280MB/s의 성능과 안정성을 보장한다.DevSleep과 ISRTM.2 폼팩터의 N8S750과 mSATA SSD MSA340은 SATA 절전모드(DevSleep)와 인텔 SSD캐싱 기술(ISRT)을 지원한다. 휴대용 컴퓨터 사용자는 부팅상태로 되돌리기까지 기다리는 시간을 절약하기 위해 저전력 상태를 활용한다. 하지만 이 경우 배터리 사용시간이 빠르게 단축된다. DevSleep 기능이 적용된 MSA340을 모바일 기기에 사용하면 기기의 전력이 차단된 상태로부터 0.1초 이내의 재작동 하며 마치 스마트폰과 같이 즉각 사용이 가능하도록 해준다. ISRT를 사용하면 SSD를 하드디스크 드라이브와 시스템 메모리 사이의 캐시 메모리로 사용할 수 있다. 본 기능은 SSD가 갖고 있는 빠른 응답속도와 HDD의 대용량 저장공간 확보라는 두 마리 토끼를 동시에 잡을 수 있게 해준다.초소형 사이즈임에도 불구하고 N8S750과 MSA340은 TRIM, NCQ와 같은 최신 기능과 ECC(에러 정정 코드), 웨어레벨링, intelligent block management, SMART 명령, 충격 방지 등 데이터를 안전하게 보호할 수 있게 해준다. 트랜센드의 SATA III 6Gb/s M.2 SSD N8S750은 32GB에서 64GB, 128GB 까지의, MSA340 mSATA SSD는 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, 256GB용량을 제공한다.


[Transcend]트랜센드, 800배속 CF카드 라인업 추가


[Transcend]트랜센드, 800배속 CF카드 라인업 추가

멀티미디어 및 저장 매체 분야의 글로벌 리더인 트랜센드(지사장: 심동훈)는 전문 사진작가들의 필수품인 CF 메모리 카드 라인업을 추가한다고 발표했다. 새로 출시된 트랜센드 800배속 CF 메모리 카드는 전문가급 화질의 이미지와 풀 HD급 동영상 촬영시 우수한 성능을 보이며 빠른 이미지 전송속도를 자랑한다. 또한, 고용량의 사진과 동영상의 저장공간을 필요로 하는 사진 작가들의 편의를 위해 64GB에서 256GB까지의 다양한 용량을 제공한다. 본 제품은 빠른 전송속도와 대용량의 카드를 필요로 하는 전문 사진작가들의 필수품이다. 각 초당 120MB/60MB의 읽기/쓰기 속도를 구현하며 최대 256GB까지의 저장 공간을 제공한다. 최신 캠코더와 DSLR 카메라를 사용할 경우, 연속 모드 촬영과 풀 HD급 동영상 및 3D 영상 촬영시 활용도가 매우 높다. 또한 최대 초당 120MB의 처리속도로 사진 보정, 영상편집 등의 작업을 원활하게 할 수 있다. 최근 출시된 트랜센드 800배속 CF메모리 카드는 지난 2013년 최고 인기 제품이었던 1000배속 CF 메모리 카드에 이어 출시되었다. 한편, 트랜센드 얼티미트 시리즈 1000배속 CF 메모리 카드는 최대 160MB/s의 빠른 전송 속도와 우수한 성능을 자랑한다. 또한 1000배속 제품은 첨단 카메라에 최상의 퍼포먼스 구현이 가능하기 때문에 전문 사진작가와 영상 작가들에게 있어 최고의 선택이라 할 수 있다. 트랜센드의 얼티미트 시리즈 CF 카드는 VPG-20(Video Performance Guarantee)규격의 성능을 갖춰 초당 최소 20MB의 쓰기 속도를 확보하여 풀HD 동영상 촬영과 드롭 프레임 없이 선명하면서도 부드러운 동영상 촬영을 가능케 한다. 이외에도, 기 출시된1000배속 CF카드와 같이 800배속 제품도 토글(toggle) 모드 MLC NAND 플래시 칩을 채택하였다. 또한, 파일오류 재처리(read retry) 기능과 함께 데이터 전송 중 발생할 수 있는 오류를 최대한 방지하며 발생시 자동으로 정정해주는 BCH ECC(Error Correction Code)기능을 갖추고 있어 오랜 기간 동안 더욱 안정적인 사용이 가능하다.
